Virtual Office

February 10, 2019
Virtual Office
Milan Šogorov Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

In Serbia, every company is required by law to have a registered seat, where authorities expect to find the company. Let us show you why it is worth choosing a virtual office provider for that purpose!

At your registered seat

Authorities will often want to contact you to give or ask for information about your Serbian company. They will send you registered letters, which should be received by an authorized person. These messages are usually written in Serbian, and often have strict deadlines.

As a result, someone needs to be at your registered seat all day on every work day. They should be authorized to receive letters addressed to you or your company. They should also understand Serbian and should know the regular procedures in order to forward messages to you or directly to your accountant as necessary.

Can I have my registered seat at my office?

Of course, you might be able to have all the above ready at your office or shop. If you decide to have your registered seat at your office or shop, please note that you cannot really close the office for more than a couple of days, as you have to check your mail regularly. Also, if you decide to move to another location, you need to move your registered seat as well, which is a lengthy process and has a set cost.

Why a virtual office?

As opposed to providing a registered seat for yourself, finding a registered seat provider and setting up a virtual office has several advantages.

  • Your virtual office is always open. Authorized personnel is always there to receive your letters for you.
  • Mail forwarding. The competent staff speaking both English and Serbian can check your mail for you, and forward it to you or your accountant depending on the content.
  • Stress-free. Messages necessary only for your accountant are forwarded directly to them, so you get only the messages concerning you, and you do not have to worry about the administrative details of accountancy.
  • Remains always the same. Even if you move your office or shop, your registered seat stays where it is.

Once you have set up your registered seat at a virtual office provider, the service itself may become “invisible” to you. Documents will find your accountant directly, so it might happen that you do not get a message for weeks or even months. But do not let this give you the impression that there is nothing happening! Your back office is working busily to let you focus on your business activity.
