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Temporary to Permanent Hiring – Why and How

Temporary to Permanent Hiring – Why and How

When a company is in the process of expanding its internal workforce there are many benefits to hiring temporary and temporary to permanent hires, also referred to as “temp to perm” employees. Temporary employees also referred to as Independent Contractors, and can be beneficial to a company when additional staff is needed for short term assignments, long term projects, freelance assignments, fulfilling staffing needs due to medical or maternity leave, or consulting positions.


Hiring through the temporary to permanent avenue also allows an employer to fully evaluate if a potential employee would be a positive and impactful addition to their team if given the opportunity to transition to a permanent role.

Over the course of their contract, an employer will be able to determine if the temporarily hired employee is a team player, what their communication style is, the breadth and depth of their work ethic, and if they can express themselves in a professional manner.

When searching for temporary employees one would seek candidates that have relevant experience and transferable skills that fall within the necessary parameters of the company and have demonstrated consistency and passion for their field. In order to find the highest quality candidates, possible temporary candidates must be recruited and interviewed as if they were being vetted for permanent positions. This process includes complete background and reference checks, drug testing, and verification of work permits.

The Interview

During the interview process it is important to be upfront about the duration of the assignment and if there is any possibility of transitioning to permanent status, and to inquire as to why the candidate is open to a temporary position and if they are interested in a full- time position in the future. Once they have been hired it is imperative that they are also on board as if they are permanent employees, so that they are able to be fully integrated into the company culture and the employer’s expectations have been clearly communicated.

Partnering with a recruiting agency is the most efficient method to recruit and hire temporary employees. An agency will be able to fill the position in a timely manner, pre-screen applicants to streamline the interviewing process for the company’s human resources department, provide testing if the position requires specific technical skills, asses if the candidate has the appropriate linguistic skills for the position, and the agency will be the party that is paying the temporary employee and overseeing any tax obligations.

Utilizing the expertise of a hiring agency is especially important for international companies looking to hire temporary or contract workers. Recruiting agencies will have a vibrant database of pre-screened, qualified candidates that will be available to fill these positions quickly and efficiently, reducing the number of interviews needed to assess an applicant.

Agencies will also be able to help companies navigate and execute the work visa application process and which type of visa is appropriate based on the duration of the assignment or if the assignment is extended for longer than originally expected. It is a sound investment for the long-term growth and staffing needs of your company to build a relationship with a recruiting agency.

In case you need to recruit and hire temporary or permanent employees do not hesitate to contact Asst Office and let us take care of finding suitable staff for your company’s needs.

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Things To Know About Studying in Serbia

things to know about studying in serbia
Prof. Dr. Jelena Šogorov Vučković Legal & Banking Consultant

If you seek an opportunity to come and study in Serbia, here are some tips that might help you with all the formal procedures regarding applying to university and applying for a student visa and temporary residence permits. Here we will give you some basic information regarding studying opportunities in Serbia:

There are two types of studies in the Serbian system of higher education:

  • Academic studies, organized mainly at Universities;
  • Applied studies, organized either at Colleges of Applied Studies or at Universities.

Serbia joined the Bologna Process in 2003 and thus initiated a gradual reform process, which received its legal support in 2005 by the adoption of a new Law on Higher Education. This law formally introduced the European Credit Transfer System, a three-cycle system of study, and the diploma supplement. This reform process lasted until 2007 and from then on all new students’ study under the new reformed study programs.

Academic studies

The three-cycle system of academic studies includes:

  • Bachelor studies, which usually last four years with 240 ECTS, although three-year/180 ECTS Bachelor programs are also available;
  • Master studies lasting one to two years with 60 to 120 ECTS;
  • Doctoral studies (Ph.D.) with a minimum of three years of study or 180 ECTS.

Of course, some exception can be found like those in the field of medical science studies, like studies of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine studies, that are organized through integrated studies that last six years and must carry a minimum of 360 ECTS. Additionally, integrated pharmacy studies with 300 ECTS have been introduced.

Applied studies

The two-cycle applied (vocational) studies consist of:

  • Bachelor applied studies, which last three years and have 180 ECTS;
  • Specialist applied studies, which carry 60 ECTS and last one year;
  • Master applied studies, which last two years and carry 120 ECTS.

All higher education institutions must be accredited in order to obtain a license issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development. Private higher education institutions (not founded by the state) have the same status as public ones.

The principal language of instruction is Serbian for all educational levels. There are also study programs which are accredited in foreign languages, mostly in English, and in many Universities and Colleges, there are additional possibilities for foreign exchange students, such as organizing consultations with professors in English, etc.

At elementary and secondary levels, other languages of instruction include Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian and Slovak.

There are around 150 study programs at all educational levels that are accredited in English or other foreign languages that are available from the academic year 2018/2019.

Studying in the Serbian language can also be interesting for international students, as well. This significantly broadens the possibilities regarding the number of study fields and programs available. Besides, if you want to immerse yourself into the experience of living and studying in Serbia, it is always recommended to learn at least some Serbian.

Studies of Serbian residents at public institutions can either be financed by the state or by the students pay tuition for their studies. Students who study at private higher education institutions pay fees as determined by the higher education institution.

In some cases, there is a difference between the amounts paid by domestic and foreign students regarding tuition fees.

Tuition fee is determined by the institution and usually ranges from 1.000,00 EUR to 5.000,00 EUR per year.

For more information regarding studying in Serbia or how to acquire temporary residence permit as a student, feel free to contact us.

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What is The Visegrad Group and How It Works

What is The Visegrad Group and How It Works
Prof. Dr. Jelena Šogorov Vučković Legal & Banking Consultant

Founded on 15th February 1991, the Visegrad Group (also known as the “Visegrad Four” or simply “V4”) represents the efforts of the Central European countries Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic to work together and become members of the European Union (EU). 

Although they achieved this mutual goal and became EU members, V4 members continued their cooperation in several fields, such as culture, environment, internal security, defense, science, and education. Furthermore, the members of the Visegrad Group are intensifying their cooperation in the fields of justice, transportation, tourism, energy, and information technologies.

Since V4 is not an institutionalized organization, all of the above stated is realized through periodical meetings of its representatives at various levels – from the highest-level political summits to expert and diplomatic meetings, to the activities of the non-governmental associations in the region, think-tanks and research bodies, cultural institutions or numerous networks of individuals.

Also, V4 organized platform known as International Visegrad Fund in the year 2000 with the aim of supporting the development of cooperation in culture, scientific exchange, research, education, exchange of students and development of cross-border cooperation and promotion of tourism—represents the civic dimension of V4 cooperation.

Besides cooperating on achieving goals in the mentioned fields, V4 members are also working hard and are dedicated to extending cooperation with other regional bodies and single countries, where their priorities are the Benelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg), the countries of the Nordic Council of Ministers (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), countries within the EU’s Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and the Western Balkans (North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina).

On the other side, countries like Germany, Austria, and Ukraine represent the most important economic and strategic partners of the Group.

Looking at the Human Development Report it is notable that all V4 members are high ranked countries where Poland is ranked as a 33rd country in the world, Czechia 27th, Slovakia 38th and Hungary 45th.

In addition to this World Bank Report – Doing Business 2019 ranked Hungary 53rd, Poland 33rd, Slovakia 42nd and Czech Republic 35th country in the world regarding ease of doing business.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Business Website

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Business Website

In this day and age every, and I mean every business needs to have a website. If you’re not on the world wide web, you don’t exist. Building a website makes your business and products available to potential customers and also raises your brand awareness.

The truth is, building a website can be confusing, and you should be careful when building your website. You can even lose customers because of bad design, for example.

Let’s take a look at some mistakes that you should avoid when creating your business website.

Not mobile-friendly

Having a mobile-friendly website is a must. In 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones. By taking a look at that, it’s obvious that your site has to be mobile-friendly. That comes as no surprise. Technology evolved, and people started using their mobile phones and tablets for absolutely everything. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, your potential customers will think that you don’t care about them, and, well, they’ll never come back to your site.

Speed of the site

Choosing the wrong host and having too much information will cause your website to be slow. And slow just doesn’t cut it these days. We are all impatient when opening a website, aren’t we? We’re likely to hit the back button if the site doesn’t load in a couple of seconds. Invest in a reliable host, have a simple but eye-catching website design, and don’t overstuff it with information and gadgets. By doing that, you won’t have a slow website.

Not reader-friendly

Fonts. Fonts are important. If you’re targeting a younger audience, smaller fonts are not a problem. But, if you’d like to target older people, choose a font that’ll be easy to read. Of course, headings and subheadings are also relevant, so, don’t be afraid to use them.

Contact information

44% of people will leave a company’s website if there’s no contact information or phone number. Make your contact information visible at all times and easily accessed, and you won’t have a problem with people leaving your site.

Secure your website

People will abandon a purchase if they spot an insecure connection. That’s why you must secure your website with “HTTPS” Invest in an SSL certificate. It will not cost you much, but it’ll make your website more trustworthy.

These are just some of the things that you can do to make your business website more secure and accessible. If you need help with any of this, feel free to contact AsstOffice for assistance.

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Invest in Serbia – Immigrate to Serbia and Europe

Invest in Serbia – Immigrate to Serbia and Europe

“The Serbian government has also moved ahead with an ambitious economic and structural reform agenda which will contribute to a more attractive business environment: restoring growth, improving competitiveness, and creating new jobs. The Serbian administration will be more efficient, Serbian citizens will have access to better public services, better education for their children, and better healthcare.” – Mr. Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Statement at the Serbian Parliament, 10 December 2015.

If you asked yourself why Serbia, then words of Mr. Johannes Hahn must be first when answering this question. Besides these kind words, there are also a few more essential things to take into consideration when talking on this subject.

Geographic location

Connecting the East and West, Serbia is often referred to as a gateway of Europe. Corridor VII – the River Danube and corridor X – the international highway and railroad, intersect on the Serbia territory, therefore providing excellent connection with Western Europe and the Middle East.

So, if you are looking for a location for your company and want to set your business operations close to European Union (EU), South East Europe (SEE) or the Middle East, Serbia is the perfect country for you.


There are two international airports in Serbia, one in Belgrade and one in Niš. Additionally, there are several international airports situated in a region that is close to Belgrade and especially Novi Sad, which is the second largest city in Serbia and the capital of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.

The airport in Budapest is only 2h 42 minutes from Novi Sad, Timisoara airport is 2h 41 minutes away from Novi Sad and Osijek airport is only 1h 45 min drive from Novi Sad.

Free Zones

Additionally, benefits for companies represent 14 free customs zones. Fiscal benefits like exemptions from any tax burden for FDI, VAT and specific local taxes, free of customs duties on import of goods, equipment and raw material used in exporting production and construction material for the building of infrastructure and financial benefits such as free cash flow are just a few of the many that 220 companies already use.

Access to Markets

If you are in a manufacturing business, Serbia can be especially interesting to you. Due to trading agreements, Serbian companies have access to a market of more than 1.1 billion Consumers that include the EU, the Russian Federation, the USA, Kazakhstan, Turkey, SEE, the European Free Trade Agreement members and Belarus. Also, the Serbian market is the second largest in SEE.

All of this represents an excellent opportunity for those who are considering starting a business or expanding your business to Europe. If you choose to register a company in Serbia, this will mean that you can apply for a temporary residence permit in Serbia.

On the other hand, if you want to move to Europe, but you are not sure which country to choose, we assure you that Serbia is the right choice for you. From rich cultural and historical heritage to low costs of living, Serbia is a place for people that are considering moving to Europe.

If you need any information or assistance regarding moving to Serbia and Europe, contact us today, and we will provide you with the right information.

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Language Pairs AsstOffice Translates

Language Pairs AsstOffice Translates

As a Serbian based company, one might think that language pairs that we translate must contain foreign language and Serbian language, either as a target or source language. But that is not true. Our network of translators helps us to fulfill all sorts of language pairs that need to be translated. And they are not even connected only to European languages.

Since we are a multidisciplinary network that operates on four continents and that grows day by day, it is our pleasure to state that language pairs like Ukrainian-Russian, English-German, Chinese-English, Spanish – German, Latvian-Russian, and many others are language pairs that our translators can translate for you.

Regarding language pairs that contain English language either as a source or target language, pairs like English-Russian, English-Estonian, English-Finnish, English -Swedish, English-Norwegian, and counter-wise can also be translated.

Also, out translation services from Greek into all languages and from English, French and German into all Balkan and South Eastern Europe languages like Turkish, Albanian, Romanian, etc. and vice versa.

African languages

Additionally, through our African network we can help you translate your documents and other text in English to languages like Afrikaans, Amharic, Akan, Bemba, Chichewa, Fulani, Pulaar, Ga, Hausa, Igbo, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Luganda, Mai Mai, Mandinka, Oromo, Shona, Somali, Swahili, Wolof, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu, and more.

Asian languages

Our Asian network can assist you if you need to translate text in English to Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Malay, Indonesian, and Nepali.

Serbian language

Since AsstOffice is based in Serbia it is reasonable that we translate to Serbian and from Serbian language to languages such as: English, German, French, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, Macedonian, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Albanian, Danish, Dutch, Finish, Slovenian, and Norwegian.

Other language pairs

Because it would be highly challenging to mention all possible language pairs that can be translated, we invite you to send us your request, and we will find a suitable solution for you.

So, if a language pair that you need to be translated is not mentioned in this article don’t be discouraged. Feel free to ask what you want to know, and we will provide you with the necessary information and service.

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The Importance of Digital Marketing

The Importance of Digital Marketing

We own computers, smartphones, tablets. Technology is all around us. The world is not analog anymore. It’s digital. At one point, online marketing was seen as something that’s not necessary, especially if you have a good product. But the world changed. Now, you cannot expect to sell your product or your idea without some form of digital marketing.

You have to put yourself on the web. You have to put your company on the web. You have to be online if you want people to notice you and buy your product or service. The internet is entwined with everything we do, and the importance of marketing your company online is of utmost importance.

Creating a website is the first step in making a name for yourself and your company. Just a few years ago, having a website and running a couple of Adwords campaigns was enough. Now, it is not.

3.48 billion people now use social media. That means that 45% of the total world population are using social networks. Social media is where people are. People buy products that are advertised to them on social media. Obviously, that means that you also have to be there.

Some think that having a profile on a social network and sharing content is enough. It is not. That’s why we have both winners and losers on social media. Without a social media strategy, you will fail.

Advertising and social media marketing are only a piece of a puzzle called digital marketing. But they’re a vital part.

Customer Support Is a Part of Marketing

That’s right. Having excellent customer support is of the utmost importance. Why? It’s simple. People want to be informed. But, they don’t want to be informed tomorrow, or in a couple of months. We live in a digital age.

Quickly responding to your potential customers’ questions will launch you into orbit. If you treat your customers like kings, they will do your marketing for you. They’ll tell their friends about you. That’s little something called word-of-mouth marketing.

The truth is, people, do trust companies. But, they trust other people more. That’s why you have to engage your customers and leave a good impression on them. Some companies use chatbots for that. However, why chatbots are probably the future, people like talking to other people. Talking to a robot about your potential purchase or a problem is just not the same. It’s … Cold.

Targeted Advertising

When you put an ad into your local newspapers, you’re doing targeting. You’re targeting people in your area. You’re telling them, “Hey! We’re here. We’re near. Take a look at us”. Doing targeted advertising online is basically the same, but, there’s one big difference – you control who will see your ad and your content.

Digital marketing allows us to dissect vast demographics.

There are four ways to target your potential customers:

Search advertising – That, of course, includes Adwords. By doing this, you target people searching for something on Google.

SEO – Businesses who put a strong focus on SEO will definitely see an increase in traffic to their site. More traffic means more business. It’s that simple. This process, however, is a very slow process. It takes time to build quality links. But, once you do, you’ll reap enormous benefits.

PPC – PPC (Pay per click) allows you to position your website near the top of searches, even if that’s not where your website would naturally appear. With PPC, you can target people of a particular profession, age, education level, even buying behavior.

Social media advertising – This type of advertising also allows you to narrow your target audience by dissecting the data they’ve collected about their users. Yeah, that means that if you have a Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or any other kind of social media account, your data is out there. If you’re a company that’s looking to advertise – that’s amazing. If you’re a user… Well, that’s still a hot topic.

There’s one thing you have to remember – If you’re not paying for something, you’re a product being sold.

Digital marketing is cost-effective

If you own a small business, you need to save money where you can, right? Digital marketing allows you to reach the desired number of potential customers while still staying within your budget. That’s something you cannot do with TV, radio, and newspaper commercials.

Digital marketing allows you to plan your strategy to the tiniest detail and target niche audiences. That’s the beauty of digital marketing.

We at Asst Office believe that by combining different kinds of digital marketing techniques, your business will reach new heights. Contact us. Talk to us. Together, we’ll create a digital marketing strategy that suits your needs.

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Temporary Residence in Serbia for Indian citizens

Temporary residence in Serbia for Indian citizens
Milan Šogorov Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

At the very beginning, we believe that it is essential to say that Indian citizens who are holders of ordinary passports and other travel documents are not required to apply for visas for visits of up to 30 days, within one year.

There are several ways to acquire a temporary residence permit in Serbia, where more usual are:

Besides this, there are also other ways to acquire a temporary residence permit in Serbia, such as:

  • Employment in a Serbian company;
  • Marriage with Serbian citizen or with a person with Serbian permanent residence permit, including common law marriage.

All the stated ways also represent grounds on which you can apply for a temporary residence permit in Serbia. In addition to this, you will also need to prove that you are medically insured in Serbia and that you have enough money to sustain yourself while staying in Serbia.

Application for the residence permit is submitted to the Ministry of Interior Affairs with all necessary documents.

It is our firm belief that easiest way to acquire a temporary residence in Serbia would be either by registration of a business in Serbia either as a company or Sole Proprietor or based on possessing a property in Serbia.

Although you do not need a visa to stay in Serbia up to 30 days, we recommend that, if you are planning to apply for temporary residence in Serbia, fist you acquire D visa. This type of visa is also referred as long stay visa and is issued for stays that cannot be longer than 180 days in the period of 6 months, counting from the day of the first entry. It is important to emphasize that before you apply for D visa, you will need to be approved with C visa.

Documents that you will need to acquire D visa are:

  • Valid passport (passport must be valid at least 90 days from the issue date of visa)
  • Letter of invitation:
  1. for a private visit – invitation letter certified by the relevant authority of the Republic of Serbia;
  2. for a business visit – invitation letter by a company in Serbia;
  3. for a tourist trip – a proof of payment for the trip issued by a travel agency (voucher or another type of payment receipt);
  • Completed visa application form;
  • Photo (size 3.5×4.5cm);
  • Return ticket or Itinerary (copy of Driving License and Insurance if you travel by car);
  • Proof of having enough funds for staying in Serbia;
  • Health insurance
  • Visa fee.

Application for the visa is submitted to the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in New Delhi.

If you are an Indian citizen and you have questions regarding the procedure or costs of acquiring a temporary residence, please contact us, and we will give you our best words of advice.

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How To Acquire Serbian Citizenship and Passport

How To Acquire Serbian Citizenship and Passport

For those who are considering moving to Serbia or are considering moving to Europe but are still not sure which country is right for them, it is essential to know how to acquire Serbian citizenship and how Serbian passport ranks in comparison to others.

There are several ways to acquire Serbian citizenship:

Acquiring by origin

Children, whose one or both parents are national of the Republic of Serbia at the moment of the child’s birth, under different conditions, can acquire a citizenship of the Republic of Serbia. A parent should make sure to report the child’s birth in time to the relevant diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Serbia, so that child’s name could be noted in the register of the citizens.

Also, if you are 18 years old but under 23, and at the moment of your birth your parents were nationals of the Republic of Serbia, but did not report your birth to the relevant diplomatic or consular mission, you should file an application to that relevant diplomatic or consular mission.

Acquiring by admission

If you are a foreigner who has permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia, you may acquire Serbian citizenship if you fulfill certain requirements, such as:

  • That you have turned 18 and have not been deprived of business capacity;
  • That you have been released from foreign citizenship or that you have presented evidence that you will be released from it, if admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia;
  • That you had registered permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for at least three years without interruption before submitting the application;
  • That you provide a signed statement that you consider the Republic of Serbia to be your country.

On the other hand, if you are a foreigner who has been married to a national of the Republic of Serbia for at least three years and who already acquired permanent residence in Serbia, you be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if you submit a signed statement that you consider the Republic of Serbia to be your country.

Filing an application regarding citizenship

Application for acquisition of Serbian citizenship is decided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This application should be filed in person or through an authorized person, and for a child over the age of 14, the child’s consent is also required.

How well is Serbia passport ranked

Serbia ranks 28th in the list of countries according to travel freedom, which is a jump of three places relative to 2018 when Serbia was 31st in the world. Serbian citizens do not need a visa or immediately given upon entry to 128 countries.

Holders of Serbian passport can travel visa-free to 84 countries, while 43 countries issue visas immediately upon entry. Also, they need a visa to enter 71 countries.

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When and Why Your Company Needs to Work With a Recruitment Service

When and Why Your Company Needs to Work with a Recruitment Service

As a human resource professional, the scope of your position encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that are vital to the growth and culture of your company. Educating your staff, executing policies and procedures, onboarding new employees, and fielding questions on everything from time and attendance, to benefits, can capture most of your office time.

Due to this expansive list of responsibilities, hiring and recruiting becomes a challenge and often has to take a back seat to more pressing day to day tasks.

Recruiting and hiring viable candidates with appropriate experience, transferable skills, and passion is the cornerstone of building a company. When your company is moving forward in a new country or market, it is especially important to have a firm grasp of how to adapt your hiring process, how to determine a competitive salary range, reference checks, employment verification, and how you will blend your company’s culture with this new market.

If this is the next step in your company’s growth, then this is the tipping point where you would seriously consider partnering with a ‘one-stop’ recruitment service or a human resource management team. They can help you effortlessly navigate the hiring process in the new market your company is looking to explore.

Hiring a human resource management team has multiple benefits for the long-term growth of your company. Once you determine what type of employees you need and for what projects, a designated HR team will help filter candidates that fall within these parameters and guide you in the hiring and onboarding process.

  • Are you looking to fill positions that would be remote?
  • Are you looking for freelance professionals that would work on a project by project basis?
  • Do you need short-term or long-term contract workers?

In a new country, all these questions can be answered with the help of an HR manager that will be able to provide a clear picture on what would work best for your company, while providing insight into ‘country specific’ labor laws and hiring practices.

The recruitment process is incredibly time-consuming, so the assistance of an HR manager will help your company work more efficiently by streamlining the process. That way, your focus can shift on interviewing and vetting only the most qualified candidates.

Additional hiring logistics such as work permits and visas can also be navigated by your point of contact HR manager/recruiter. Moreover, using a recruitment service gives you a continues database of qualified candidates. As new positions become available, your company will be able to fulfill staffing needs more efficiently.

While hiring HR management is an investment, in the long run, it will allow you to build stronger and more impactful teams, with a productive and centered company culture. Feel free to contact AsstOffice with any questions you may have. We are here to help.