Accounting Services

February 10, 2019
Accounting Services
Prof. Dr. Jelena Šogorov Vučković Legal & Banking Consultant

It doesn’t matter if you are operating a small company or a big one, you will surely need an accountant in Serbia. Here accountancy and bookkeeping are not two strictly separate things. However, there are different specializations, so you should discuss your planned activities (field of business, number of employees, number of invoices per month, etc.) with your accountant before you come to an agreement. Moreover, if you are from abroad, it is definitely worth choosing an accountant who speaks fluent English.

What can my accountant do?

It is true that great accountant is a partner you need to have to manage your business successfully. Therefore, it is accountants responsibility to inform you about your obligations and to prepare all the paperwork so that your business can operate properly and continue to grow.

When you have a bookkeeper or an accountant in Serbia, they will do the following things for your company:

  • Register income and expense invoices
  • Report your income and expenses to the authorities
  • Calculate taxes for you to pay
  • Calculate payroll for your employees
  • Warn you to deadlines for taxes and contributions
  • File your tax returns

What can my accountant not do?

While your English-speaking Serbian accountant is your most important ally in keeping your company compliant to all regulations, you have to make sure you make most of their services. You have to do the following things for yourself. However, you are always free to ask your accountant if you are not sure about something.

  • Issue invoices
  • Collect invoices
  • Pay taxes and contributions
  • Pay a salary to your employees
  • Give you discounts on taxes or let you pay them later

If you are not sure how to issue invoices, take dividends, agree on the salary of your new employee, or if you have any questions related to Law on Accounting in Serbia, you can always ask your accountant. They will be happy to answer, as it is always better to be cautious and precise in the first place than trying to correct mistakes later.
