Immigration Services

Before you even think about getting Serbian citizenship you need to already possess permanent residence permit, and for that one, you needed to own a temporary residence permit at the beginning.

More precisely, you can apply for Serbian citizenship if you already have the permanent residence permit and you have registered living address in Serbia for five years after you got your permanent residence status.

What is said covers most cases, including those when foreigner lives in Serbia due to the ownership of the company or employment in Serbian company, while for marriage law stipulates a bit different case.

Marriage with Serbian citizen (or holder of Serbian permanent residence permit) gives the right to a person to apply for the Serbian citizenship immediately after being granted with permanent residency without the need for 3 years wait.

Temporary and Permanent Residence Permits

There are different types of residence permits, temporary one and a permanent one, but since you must first get in touch with temporary residence permit we will start with it. There are multiple ways by which a temporary residence permit in Serbia could be obtained, so we will mention those which are most used: Formation of the company in Serbia (for example LLC) or formation of branch or representation office... There are different types of residence permits, temporary one and a permanent one, but since you must first get in... Read More
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Most of his non-working hours Milan spends playing guitar or learning how to play drums. He loves performing in concerts and events with his heavy metal band; therefore, Milan spends...

Milan Šogorov Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

Temporary Residence in Serbia On The Basis of Possessing a Property

This type of residence in Serbia is issued for a shorter time period than the one that the Law on Foreigners stipulates. In practice, a permit on this basis is most often issued for a period of 6 months. This is a great possibility for those who have or intend to buy a property in Serbia. It is much simpler if a foreigner already owns immovable property in the territory... This type of residence in Serbia is issued for a shorter time period than the one that the Law on... Read More
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As a former professional sportsman Vuk loves to go skiing whenever it is possible. Besides skiing, Vuk enjoys having a good craft beer here and there with his close friends.

Vuk Vučković Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant
