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Temporary Residence Permit and Blue Card in Slovakia

Temporary Residence Permit and Blue Card in Slovakia

There are many ways to obtain temporary residence permit in Slovakia, which precedes permanent residence permit. Although Blue Card represent one of the types of residences, we find it as special type, and therefore want to single it out.

What are the types of Temporary Residence Permits in Slovakia?

To obtain temporary residence permit in Slovakia, you will need to meet many criteria and fulfill several conditions. Regarding on which grounds you apply for this permit you can obtain:

  • Temporary Residence for the Purpose of Special Activity
  • Temporary Residence for the Purpose of Research and Development
  • Temporary Residence of a third-country national who is granted the status of a Slovak living abroad
  • Temporary Residence for the Purpose of Study in Slovakia
  • Temporary Residence for the Purpose of Business and Employment in Slovakia

Who can apply for residence permit in Slovakia?

Generally speaking, there are few groups of people that can apply for residence in Slovakia:

  1. a person interested to make business in Slovakia,
  2. a person who wants to work in Slovakia,
  3. a person with different interest to apply such as lecturer, artist, actor/ actress sportsman, journalist, volunteer you can apply under special conditions, scientist or Slovak living abroad,
  4. a person who wants to study in Slovakia any specific field or Slovak language.

How long does it take to take a decision on the application for a residence?

A police department, as a general rule, shall decide on the application for temporary residence within 90 days following the date of receipt of complete application.

The Act on Residence of Foreigners provides a derogation from above mentioned rule according to which a police department shall decide within 30 days following the date of receipt of complete application in certain cases.

Blue Card

Blue Card is a type of residence issued to third country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment in Slovakia. The basic requirement is higher professional qualification in the form of university education. Blue card entitles you to enter, reside and work in Slovakia, to travel abroad and back. Your future employer must report a job vacancy to the competent local Labour Office, at least 30 working days before applying for the Blue Card.

If you need more information regarding certain procedures or you need any other assistance regarding company formation, opening a bank account, obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits or Blue Card in Slovakia feel free to contact Asst Office.

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How To Register a Limited Liability Company in Slovakia?

How To Register a Limited Liability Company in Slovakia
Milan Šogorov Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

If you want to register a limited liability company in Slovakia and start your business venture there, you will need to fulfill certain conditions and meet certain criteria.

Business name and business activity

First and foremost, you will need to decide what will be the name of the limited liability company and to find a legal address – business address – for the company. For legal seat – business address – you can find providers of Virtual Office Services or you can find a suitable office and rent it.

Next step is to determine the what type o business activity will your limited liability company perform – object of the business. In case you wish that your company performs more than just one business activity, it is possible, in accordance with Slovak Law, to register few business activities.


Each and every limited liability company must have a least one shareholder. This means that one company can have more than one shareholder, but minimum value of share that each shareholder holds must be at minimum of 750,00 EUR. If a shareholder is individual than he or she must provide copy of ID or passport where name, surname, date and place of birth, citizenship and residency are state. For legal entity to be registered as a shareholder you will need to provide Excerpt from Commercial Register or Business Agency Register where name of the entity, identification number and other relevant information will be stated.

Share capital

Minimum share capital is rated at 5.000,00 EUR, but before submitting Registration Application before Slovak Trade Register, only 2.500,00 EUR of share capital must be deposited. So, it is stipulated that only 50% of the share capital is deposited before registering a limited liability company. In addition to this, Slovak Law stipulate that, within this 50 % of total share capital, 30% of shareholder’s contribution have to be paid.

Other information

Once all these facts are determined, you will need to draft Company’s Articles of Association and other related documents and certify them before Public Notary.

Final steps after completing all of above stated includes, registering for tax income, opening a bank account for legal entity and registering before Social Insurance Company.

For business purposes most important taxes are Personal Income Tax – rated at 19% for wages up to 34.401,74 EUR and 25% for what exceeds that amount; Corporate income Tax – rated at 21%; and Value Added Tax (VAT) – rated at 20%.

If you want to register a company in Slovakia or you need any additional information on this topic, feel free to contact us and let us  assist you.

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What is The Visegrad Group and How It Works

What is The Visegrad Group and How It Works
Prof. Dr. Jelena Šogorov Vučković Legal & Banking Consultant

Founded on 15th February 1991, the Visegrad Group (also known as the “Visegrad Four” or simply “V4”) represents the efforts of the Central European countries Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic to work together and become members of the European Union (EU). 

Although they achieved this mutual goal and became EU members, V4 members continued their cooperation in several fields, such as culture, environment, internal security, defense, science, and education. Furthermore, the members of the Visegrad Group are intensifying their cooperation in the fields of justice, transportation, tourism, energy, and information technologies.

Since V4 is not an institutionalized organization, all of the above stated is realized through periodical meetings of its representatives at various levels – from the highest-level political summits to expert and diplomatic meetings, to the activities of the non-governmental associations in the region, think-tanks and research bodies, cultural institutions or numerous networks of individuals.

Also, V4 organized platform known as International Visegrad Fund in the year 2000 with the aim of supporting the development of cooperation in culture, scientific exchange, research, education, exchange of students and development of cross-border cooperation and promotion of tourism—represents the civic dimension of V4 cooperation.

Besides cooperating on achieving goals in the mentioned fields, V4 members are also working hard and are dedicated to extending cooperation with other regional bodies and single countries, where their priorities are the Benelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg), the countries of the Nordic Council of Ministers (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), countries within the EU’s Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and the Western Balkans (North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina).

On the other side, countries like Germany, Austria, and Ukraine represent the most important economic and strategic partners of the Group.

Looking at the Human Development Report it is notable that all V4 members are high ranked countries where Poland is ranked as a 33rd country in the world, Czechia 27th, Slovakia 38th and Hungary 45th.

In addition to this World Bank Report – Doing Business 2019 ranked Hungary 53rd, Poland 33rd, Slovakia 42nd and Czech Republic 35th country in the world regarding ease of doing business.