France – Company Formation and Corporate Services

April 25, 2020
France – Company Formation and Corporate Services
Prof. Dr. Jelena Šogorov Vučković Legal & Banking Consultant

France is a country whose territory consists of metropolitan France, that extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and several overseas regions and territories. t is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the northeast, Switzerland and Italy to the east, and Andorra and Spain to the south.

As member of the Group of Seven (formerly Group of Eight) leading industrialized countries, as of 2018, it is ranked as the world’s tenth largest and the EU’s second largest economy by purchasing power parity. It is a part of European Union (EU), United Nations (UN), G8, the G20 and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Facts that France has a mixed economy that combines extensive private enterprise with substantial state enterprise and government intervention and that France is the world’s sixth largest exporter and the fourth largest importer of manufactured goods, contributed that we include France in our Asst World program and provide our clients company formation and corporate services in France.

Types of company in France

There are many different forms of companies that can be incorporated in France, such as:

  • SARL or Société à Responsabilité Limitée;
  • EURL or Entreprise Unipersonelle à Responsabilité Limitée;
  • SA or Société Anonyme;
  • SAS or Société par Actions Simplifiées;
  • SASU or Société par Actions Simplifiées Unipersonnelle;
  • SCP or Société Civile Professionelle;
  • SEL or Société d’Exercice Libérale;
  • SC or Société Civile;
  • SNC – Société en Nom Collectif;
  • Franchises;
  • Partnerships;
  • Representative Office or Bureau de Liaison;
  • Branch or Succursale;
  • Subsidiary or Filiale;
  • Location Gérance;
  • Associations.

Corporate Services in France

Beside company formation services, there are also other corporate services that our team can provide you with in France, such as:

  • Consult companies in the EU on how to be VAT compliant;
  • Communication with foreign tax advisors & offices;
  • Review of EU-VAT filings;
  • Apply and complete VAT registrations in relevant EU countries;
  • Submitting monthly/quarterly/yearly VAT declarations;
  • Submitting corrections and requesting refunds where applicable;
  • Advise on invoicing, VAT treatment, accounting procedures, VAT filing and payments;
  • Training accountants on how to manage their company’s VAT submissions;
  • EU-VAT Compliance Services.

If you want to know more about out company formation and corporate services in France feel free to contact our team today.

Luxembourg – Company Formation and Corporate Services

April 6, 2020
Luxembourg - Company Formation and Corporate Services
Vuk Vučković Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

Luxembourg’s stable and high-income market economy features moderate growth, low inflation, and a high level of innovation and low unemployment rate are the reasons why we included Luxembourg in our Asst World program and provide company formation and corporate services there.

Luxembourg is he second richest country in the world ranked 13th in The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, 26th in the United Nations Human Development Index, and 4th in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality of life index.

It is a s a founding member of the European Union, OECD, United Nations, NATO, and Benelux, and part of the Schengen Area.

Company formation in Luxembourg

Our company formation services include:

  • Drafting and preparation of all necessary documents for company formation process;
  • Opening a bank account;
  • Virtual Office;
  • Corporate structure assistance;
  • Corporate flows assistance;
  • Corporate ownership assistance.

Types of companies in Luxembourg

SOPARFI or Holding Company – This is one of the most effective corporate structures, where a company holds shares of local or international companies.

Real Estate Structure – Due to a large network of double tax treaties, the Real Estate Special Purpose Vehicle is the structure of choice to hold, maintain or transact on properties held in Luxembourg or abroad.

Special Limited Partnership SLP – In accordance with AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive) he rules which apply to Luxembourg limited Partnerships have been adapted to create three types of partnerships in Luxembourg.

Intellectual Property Rights or IP Company – This type of company is best suited for company that want to assist authors, promoters, scientists and creators of wealth to incorporate a vehicle to build and manage their intellectual property rights.

Private Wealth Management SPF – This type of company is designed for investors managing their private wealth, which means that shares of the SPF cannot be used for public placement and cannot be publicly offered or quoted on a stock exchange.

SARL/SA/SE/SCA – In case you want to invest in a start-up, venture, European Company or E-commerce business, or maintain a permanent establishment., these types of companies offer the best possible solution.

Corporate Services

Beside above stated company formation service, we can provide you with following corporate services in Luxembourg:

  • Consult companies in the EU on how to be VAT compliant;
  • Communication with foreign tax advisors & offices;
  • Review of EU-VAT filings;
  • Apply and complete VAT registrations in relevant EU countries;
  • Submitting monthly/quarterly/yearly VAT declarations;
  • Submitting corrections and requesting refunds where applicable;
  • Advise on invoicing, VAT treatment, accounting procedures, VAT filing and payments;
  • Training accountants on how to manage their company’s VAT submissions.

If you need any additional information regarding company formation and corporate services in Luxembourg, or in other countries from our Asst World program, contact our team today.

China – Company Formation and Corporate Services

April 1, 2020
China - Company Formation and Corporate Services

People’s Republic of China (PRC), or China, is the largest market in the world, with booming economy for the past 10 years. The state exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.

China’s economy is highly diversified, who’s major sectors of competitive strength include manufacturing, retail, mining, steel, textiles, automobiles, energy generation, green energy, banking, electronics, telecommunications, real estate, e-commerce, and tourism. Also, stock exchanges in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, are three out of ten largest stock exchanges in the world.

This is why we had to include China in our Asst World program and assure that we can provide you company formation and corporate services.

Company formation service

Beside Hong Kong, who is the special administrative region of China, we can assist you to incorporate companies in multiple jurisdictions of China mainland, such as cities of Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen.

Types of the companies that we can incorporate for you are:

  • Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE),
  • Joint Venture,
  • Partnership Enterprise,
  • Representative Office.

Our services regarding company formation include registered address, notarization and legalization, company secretarial service, bank account opening, office setting up and business investment guide to meet all the requirements came from the clients.

Corporate services

Apart from services included in company formation service, our team can assist you with following corporate services in China:

  • Accounting and Audit,
  • Payroll Service,
  • Work Visa,
  • Trademark Registration.

If you need more information regarding our services in China or other countries included in our Asst World program, feel free to contact Asst Office today. Our team is here to make your business making easier and find the best solutions for the growth of your business.

Singapore – Company Formation and Business Services

March 27, 2020
Singapore – Company Formation and Business Services

Republic of Singapore, or just Singapore, is the most developed sovereign nation in Asia, being ranked 9th on the UN Human Development Index, and has the 7th highest GDP per capita in the world. Additionally, it is considered to be the most incorruptible nation in Asia, and the fifth most incorruptible worldwide.

Beside, being a major financial and shipping hub, Singapore is also recognized as tax haven, and it is classified as an Alpha+ global city, and is the only country in Asia with an AAA sovereign rating from all major rating agencies.

Singapore is a member of United Nations (UN), World Trade Organization (WTO), East Asia Summit, Non-Aligned Movement, and the Commonwealth of Nations, and is a recurrent guest invitee to the annual G20 summit.

Company formation

For all foreigner that want to register a company in Singapore, Private Limited Company represent the best possible solution.

Our team will assist you to fulfil all compliance requirement which are stated by the Singapore Statutory Compliance Requirements:

  • Company Name – You must also check if the name has already been taken by another company. You can also do this by visiting ACRA’s website;
  • Choose the Business Activities – you are required to choose the type of business activities your company will be engaged in from the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification Code (SSIC);
  • Registered Address – A company needs to have a registered office in Singapore that is open to the public for at least three hours per day during normal business hours on weekdays. The registered address must be a physical address, i.e., no PO Box is allowed;
  • Paid-up Capital – Minimum initial capital is 1,00 SGD, but additional capital can be injected any time after the company is registered;
  • Fiscal Year – A fiscal year period must be chosen, which can be any time of the year;
  • Director – You need at least one Resident Director. It can also be Nominee Director;
  • Shareholders – Every company needs at least one, but can have up to 50 shareholders. The shareholder can either be an individual or another company;
  • Secretary – You also need to appoint a Company Secretary within six months of incorporating your company;
  • Auditor – Only small companies are exempt from appointing an auditor within 3 months from the date of registration;
  • Central Provident Fund (CPF) – CPF contributions are mandatory for all local employees who are a Singapore citizen or PR earning more than 50,00 SGD a month. Employment Pass holders do not need to contribute to CPF.

Business services in Singapore

Beside company formation and Nominee director services our team can also provide you with following service:

  1. Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
  2. Corporate Secretary
  3. Taxation
  4. Immigration and Passes – Employment Pass, Dependent Pass, Entrepreneur Pass, S pass, Work permit.

For all additional information regarding company formation and business services in Singapore, or any other country from our Asst World program contact our team.

Hong Kong – Company Formation and Corporate Services

March 25, 2020
Hong Kong – Company Formation and Corporate Services
Milan Šogorov Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (HKSAR), or simply Hong Kong is a highly developed territory and ranks fourth on the UN Human Development Index.

As a special administrative region of China in the eastern Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea, Hong Kong one of the world’s busiest container ports. In addition to this, Hong Kong has a capitalist mixed service economy, characterised by low taxation, minimal government market intervention, and an established international financial market.

These are all the reasons why we found Hong Kong as one of the most important centres in the world to provide our Clients with company formation and corporate services.

Company formation service

If you want to start business in Hong Kong, our company formation service includes:

  • Name check and approval;
  • Filling incorporation documents with the Registrar of Companies;
  • Filling Registration Forms;
  • A standard set of original corporate documents;
  • Payment of the Government fees;
  • Provision of registered office and registered address for one year;
  • Provision of company secretary for one year.

Beside these basic services regarding company formation, our team can also offer you delivery of original documents, assist you with apostilled documents and assign a suitable nominee director and shareholder.

Corporate services in Hong Kong

Apart from above stated company formation service, our team can also assist you with:

  • Banks Services that include:
  1. Personalised account service;
  2. Savings & term deposits;
  3. International wire transfers;
  4. Treasury& Foreign Exchange services;
  5. Card services;
  6. Trading services;
  7. Online Banking.
  • Accounting & Audit Services;
  • Merchant Accounts, Legal Consultations and Technical Solutions.

If you want to know more about services that we provide in Hong Kong, or in other countries that are included in our Asst World program contact us today.

Germany – Company Formation and Corporate Services

March 25, 2020
Germany – Company Formation and Corporate Services
Prof. Dr. Jelena Šogorov Vučković Legal & Banking Consultant

Located in the Central and Western Europe, lying between the Baltic and the Northern seas to the north, and the Alps and Lake Constance to the south, Germany, or Federal Republic of Germany, has a social market economy with high skilled labour force, a large capital stock, a low level of corruption and a high level of innovation.

Germany is a part of European Union (EU), United Nations (UN) G4, G8, the G20, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the ­International Monetary Fund (IMF).

All of this, together with the fact that Germany has the largest national economy in Europe which is also the world’s fourth largest by nominal GDP and the fifth by PPP, represent the reason to consider Germany as the next country where your business should grow. That is why we added Germany to the list of country where we can assist you with company formation and corporate services.

Types of company in Germany

The most widespread forms of company in Germany are:

Company with limited liability (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung  or GmbH)  – One person can set up a GmbH and be a shareholder, where the minimum share capital is 25.000,00 EUR.

Joint-stock company; public limited company; corporation (Aktiengesellschaft or AG)  – To set up AG there must be at least one person who may be a shareholder of the company, too. Minimum share capital in 50.000,00 EUR, and share may be, but not need to be, listed on the stock exchange.

General partnership (Offene Handelsgesellschaft or OHG)  – Contrary to GmbH and AG, the partners in OHG have unlimited liability. All partners are legally obliged to actively participate in operating the business, unless it is otherwise stipulated by the articles of partnership (Gesellschaftsvertrag).

Limited partnership (Kommanditgesellschaft or KG)  – A KG includes two kinds of partners:

  1. the general partner (Komplementär), who has an unlimited liability extending to his or her personal assets, and
  2. the limited partner (Kommanditist) whose liability extends only to his or her nominal holdings in the company.

Beside these most widespread forms of company, Limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner or GmbH & Co. KG are also well known.

Corporate Services in Germany

Beside company formation services, there are also other corporate services that our team can provide you with in Germany, such as:

  • Opening a bank account;
  • VAT Communication & Assessment
  • In-house EU-VAT Solutions
  • EU-VAT Compliance Services

If you want to know more about out company formation and corporate services in Germany or in some other country from or Asst World program feel free to contact our team today.

Russian Federation – Company Formation Services

March 11, 2020
Russian Federation - Company Formation Services
Vuk Vučković Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

Although vast part of its territory stretches across Northern Asia, Russian Federation, or Russia, is a European country, located in Eastern Europe. Beside being largest country in the world covering more than one-eighth of the Earth’s inhabited land area, spanning eleven time zones, and bordering 16 sovereign nations, Russia is the most populous nation in Europe and the ninth-most populous nation in the world. All of stated, together with the fact that Russia’s economy ranks as the fifth-largest in Europe, the eleventh-largest in the world by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and the sixth-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP), makes Russia one of the most important economical centers in the world. That is why we decided to introduce company formation services in Russia as part of Asst World program.


Russian Federation is a member of great number of international organizations such as United Nations Security Council, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the G20, the Council of Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the International Investment Bank (IIB) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as being the leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Also, it is an active global partner of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Company formation Services in Russia

Company formation is the first step towards establishing a successful business on this large market. Company formation in Russia that we provide are:

  • Consulting on the choice of the optimal organizational and legal form of your firm in Russia. We can assist with registration of such legal entities as:
  1. Limited Liability Company ( “OOO” in Russia)
  2. Joint-Stock Company ( “PAO” in Russia)
  3. Representative office (RO) or branch office of your foreign company
  4. Russian non-profit organization
  • Company legal address registration
  • Preparation of the documents package required for the company set-up in accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation
  • Consulting on the choice of the optimal tax system and tax registration of the company
  • Implementation of registration (preparation, submission and receipt of documents) with the tax authorities and state statistics service
  • Preparation and submission of documents for opening of settlement account
  • Registration of organization with extra-budgetary funds

Additional services that we provide in Russia

Since Asst Office is a Multidisciplinary Professional Services Network we do not only focus on company formation services, but on other services related to operating and growing business, therefore our services include:

  • Accounting Services
  • Statutory Audit and Auditing Services
  • Legal Services
  • Executive Search and Recruitment Services

If you intend to start or expand your business to Russia contact our team today, and we will provide you with all important information and assist you at every step of your business journey.

Poland – Company Formation and Corporate Services

March 3, 2020
Poland – Company Formation and Corporate Services

Poland is the 6th largest country and 5th most populated country in European Union, as well as 8th country when it comes to gross domestic product, otherwise known as GDP. Beside this, Poland is rated as 40th country in the world by The World Bank for doing business. All of this indicated that Poland represent excellent market to grow your business. Poland is a Member state of European Union, OECD and Visegrad Group.

Company Formation Services

Polish legislation provides for a fairly wide range of legal forms for doing business, however, according to our specialists, the Limited Liability Company is the most convenient and suitable for a foreign founder (Spółka z o. о.).

What is important to know is that it is possible to complete this process remotely, without your presence. Company formation procedure in Poland is completed within 3 to 7 working days. However, to open a bank account for newly founded company, a personal visit of the Director is necessary.

Corporate Service

Beside company formation, Asst Office provides you with additional corporate services such as:

  • Accounting Services
  • Preparation of Annual renew of the company (Chamber of commerce) and Annual Financial Statements
  • Virtual Office and registered address in Poland
  • Registration and receipt of the EORI number (for conducting foreign economic activity)
  • Registration of Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Tax residence certificate
  • Oral translation and support

Important Taxes and Contributions

Taxes always represent one of the most important parts of operation a business. That is why it is always good to know the rates of those taxes that will affect your business the most:

  1. Corporate Tax Rate – 19%
  2. Personal Income Tax Rate – 32%
  3. Value Added Tax Rate – 23%
  4. Reduced Value Added Tax Rate – 0 to 8%

Beside taxes, second important part are contributions. Mostly they refer to social contribution rated in total at 44.69%, and they are imposed both on employee and employer:

  1. Social Security Rate for Companies – 21.98%
  2. Social Security Rate for Employees – 22.71%

If you are interested in starting a business venture in Poland, or you need assistance regarding company formation or you need some other corporate service in Poland, contact Asst Office today.

Portugal – Corporate Services

October 24, 2019
Portugal – Corporate Services
Vuk Vučković Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

If you are looking into starting a business in Portugal, our team is ready to assist you with all the necessary paperwork, so that your business or investment is compliant with all the legal requirements.

Corporate Services that we provide in Portugal are:

  • Incorporation and Management Services;
  • Tax Compliance, Accounting and Audit;
  • Real Estate Advisory and Management;
  • Administrative Services;
  • Corporate Concierge Services;
  • Expat Concierge Services.

Why Portugal?

First that we have in mind when we talk about business and life are costs. Having this in mind, it is important to state that Portugal ranks in the Top 30 Cheapest Countries in Europe, surpassing Spain, Malta, Greece, and France.

Next, of course is safety and stability. Portugal is in top 5 peaceful and safest countries in the world. This is followed by the fact that Portugal is in top 10 worlds countries regarding quality of life, and second best for retirement in Europe.

Political stability plays on of the most important roles when thinking about moving your family or business to abroad. Portugal has a strong tradition of political stability, with power alternating between the two main centre parties since 1974.

Together with political stability comes Law and Rights. As a member of European Union, Portugal has legal system has been influenced by German and French laws.

What type of companies can be incorporated in Portugal?

In accordance with the Portuguese law, should you decide to start a business in Portugal, you can incorporate on of the following companies:

  • Private Limited Company (Lda.);
  • Single Partner Limited Company (Unipessoal Lda.);
  • Private Limited Company (S.A.);
  • Holding Company (SGPS);
  • Limited Partnership Company;
  • General Partnership Company.

If you want to incorporate a company in Portugal, or you need assistance with any other Corporate Services that we provide in Portugal, feel free to contact Asst Office team, and we will provide you suitable answers.

Estonia – Business Services

October 24, 2019
Estonia – Business Services

Estonia is for sure one of the best countries in Europe for your business venture. It favourable tax regime, as well as fact that Estonia is European Union member state creates perfect environment to provide business services such as:

  • Company Formation;
  • Accounting Services;
  • Consultations on taxation in Estonia;
  • Assistance in leasing or buying real estate;
  • Recruitment.

Moving to Estonia

Those who want to obtain temporary residence in Estonia, which is issued for period of one to five years, can do that under in cases of:

  • Family reunion;
  • Marrying an Estonian citizen;
  • Entering an educational institution or monastery;
  • Employment;
  • Formation of the company;

You can apply for a residence permit for employment if your monthly salary for the last 5 months was at least 1.310,00 EUR gross or 1.010,00 net. Also, if you want to obtain residence permit for business activity there are two different option:

  1. You can apply for a residence permit to conduct business activity if you are acting as a sole entrepreneur (FIE) and have invested at least EUR 16,000 in business activity in Estonia.
  2. You can apply for a residence permit for business if you are an owner and board member of an Estonian company and have invested at least 65,000 euro in the company’s activity. The company’s equity capital and the amount of registered fixed assets can be regarded as an investment.

Company formation in Estonia

The minimum share capital is 2.500,00 EUR, which can be contributed within 10 years. This means that you can register a company in Estonia without making a share capital contribution.

Being one of the most important tech centres in Europe, company formation process in Estonia is finished within five working days.

Estonian e-Residency program

An e-resident is a foreigner to whom, Estonia has created a digital identity based on the identity of the country of origin of the person and issued a digital identity card: e-resident’s digital ID.

e-Resident’s digital ID is a digital document that can only be used to identify a person and provide a digital signature in an electronic environment. e-Resident’s digital-ID allows the foreigner to participate in pubic-law and private-law operations in Estonia regardless of her or his physical location.

Becoming an Estonian e-Resident and having Resident’s digital ID will help you with your business venture in Estonia in many different ways.

If you are a digital nomad, freelancer, start-up company or digital entrepreneur that this program is made for you.

In case you want to learn more about Estonian business environment, business services that Asst Office provides there or Estonian e-Residency program send us an e-mail, text us or calls us via Viber or WhatsApp.