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Termination of employment in Serbia

Termination of employment in Serbia

There are several reasons for termination of employment in Serbia, where some of them are less complicated than other. In accordance with Labour Law, employment is terminated:

  1. due to the expiry of the term for which it was founded;
  2. when the employee reaches 65 years of age and at least 15 years of insurance service, unless the employer and the employee agreed otherwise;
  3. due to an Agreement between the employee and the employer – amicable termination;
  4. termination of the employment contract by the employer or employee;
  5. at the request of the parent or guardian of an employee under the age of 18;
  6. death of an employee;
  7. in other cases, stipulated by law.

When can the employer terminate employee’s employment?

An employer may terminate a employment contract for an employee if there are reasonable grounds for doing so relating to the employee’s ability to work and his or her behaviour.

Secondly, an employer may terminate a employment contract for an employee who, through his own fault, commits a breach of a work obligation. So, if employee negligently performs work responsibilities or misuse or exceed authority, employer has legal right to terminate employment contract.

Thirdly, an employer may terminate employment for an employee who does not respect work discipline. Thus, if employee unjustifiably refuses to carry out the tasks and carry out the orders of the employer in accordance with the law or abuse the right to leave due to temporary absence from work, employer can terminate employment.

Finally, an employee may terminate employment if there is a justifiable reason related to the needs of the employer, namely:

  1. if due to technological, economic or organizational changes the need to perform a particular job ceases or the volume of work is reduced;
  2. if employee refuses to conclude the Annex to the Contract.

Termination period

An employee whose employment contract has been terminated because he or she does not achieve the required results of work, or does not have the necessary knowledge and skills, is entitled to a notice period, which is determined by a General Act or employment contract, depending on length of service, which may not be shorter than 8 or longer than 30 days. The termination period begins on the day following the date of delivery of the Decision on Termination of the Employment.

If you need any additional information regarding termination of employment in Serbia contact legal consultant to determine if all important issues are regulated.

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Employment and Labour Law in Serbia

Employment and Labour Law in Serbia
Vuk Vučković Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

Employment in Serbia is regulated by the Labour Law. While you have freedom to decide what tasks to assign to your employees, it would be useful to get familiar with the most important aspects of the Labour Law.

To make sure that your company is compliant with regulations it is recommended that you consult with your accountant or an HR advisor.

What does Serbian Labour Law define?

Serbian Labour Law defines most important aspects of employment. It stipulates all the rights and obligations of an employment relationship, such as conditions for employment, Labour Contract, working hours, holidays and leave, protection of employees, etc.

What are general employee obligations?

In general employee is obliged to:

  • to conscientiously and responsibly carry out the tasks on which he works;
  • to respect the organization of work and business with the employer, as well as the conditions and rules of the employer in relation to the fulfilment of contractual and other obligations arising from employment;
  • to inform the employer of significant circumstances that affect or could affect the performance of the tasks specified in the employment contract;
  • to inform the employer of any type of potential danger to life and health and the occurrence of material damage.

What are general employers’ obligations?

The same way Labour Law stipulates general responsibilities of an employee it stipulates the responsibilities of an employer. Therefore, employer is obliged to pay the employee for the work performed, in accordance with the law, general act and employment contract and provide the employee with working conditions and organize work for the safety and protection of life and health at work, in accordance with the law and other regulations.

Additionally, employer is obliged to provide the employee with information on working conditions, organization of work and the rights and obligations arising from labour regulations and regulations on safety and health and safety at work, as well as to provide the employee with conditions to perform the tasks specified in the employments contract.

Finally, it is employer’s obligation to request the opinion of the Union in cases stipulated by law, and if the Union has not formed from the representatives appointed by the employees.

What does Labour Contract govern?

First of all, it is necessary to state that employment is based on a Labour Contract. While it may not contain provisions granting the employee less rights or establishing less favourable working conditions than the rights and conditions established by Labour Law, Labour Contract must contain following provision:

  • name and seat of employer;
  • personal name of the employee, place of permanent or temporary residence of the employee;
  • the type and degree of professional qualification, i.e. education of the employee, which are a prerequisite for performing the activities for which the Labour Contract is concluded;
  • the name and description of the tasks that the employee should perform;
  • place of work;
  • the type of employment (for an indefinite or fixed term);
  • the duration of the fixed-term employment contract and the basis for the fixed-term Labour Contract;
  • day of commencement of work;
  • working hours (full, part-time or short time);
  • the amount of basic salary at the date of conclusion of the Labour Contract;
  • elements for determining basic salary, performance, remuneration, increased earnings and other employee benefits;
  • deadlines for payment of earnings and other benefits to which the employee is entitled;
  • duration of daily and weekly working hours.

If an HR expert assists you already during recruitment, you can rest assured that all the relevant aspects of the Serbian Labour Law will be considered while formulating the position and drawing up the Labour Contract. This ensures that hiring a new employee will be the beginning of a beautiful employment relationship.

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Employment of a Foreigner in Serbian

Employment of a Foreigner in Serbian
Milan Šogorov Attorney at Law - Legal Consultant

The right to free access to the labor market in Serbia, i.e. employment, self-employment and practice the right in case of unemployment, unless otherwise stipulated by an international treaty binding to the Republic, shall have:

  1. EU citizens;
  2. Members of the family of citizens referred to under 1., who are not EU nationals and who are granted temporary residence or family residence in those countries proving their right to free access to the labor market.

Who is considered as a family member?

Family members of EU citizens are:

  1. Spouses married or extramarital of EU citizens, in accordance with the law;
  2. Direct descendants of EU citizens under 21 years of age or direct descendants of their spouse, whether married or extramarital, under 21 years of age;
  3. Adopted children under 21 years of age or pastors of EU citizens or their spouse, whether married or extramarital, under 21 years of age;
  4. Natural persons stated under 2. and 3. of this paragraph older than 21 years of age who are unable to support themselves on their own, i.e. who is obliged to support an EU citizen or his or her spouse in marriage or extramarital;
  5. The direct ancestors of EU citizens or the direct ancestors of their spouse, whether married or extramarital, which the EU citizen or his or her spouse is obliged to support.

Natural persons who have the right to free access to the labor market do not need a work permit within the meaning of the provisions of Law on Employment of Foreigners.

Can foreign employer direct non-EU foreigner to work in Serbia?

A foreign employer domiciled in a Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation may send a non-EU foreigner to work in Serbia without a work permit within the meaning of the Serbian Law, unless otherwise provided by an International Treaty binding for the Serbia.

The foreign employer may direct the foreigner referred to in previous paragraph of this Article provided that he has:

  1. Contract concluded with the employer or the end user of the services, which must include the place and deadline for performing the work;
  2. Concluded an employment contract with the foreigner referred to in previous paragraph this Article in accordance with the law in force in the Member State in which the foreign employer is established;
  3. The Act on Reference to Temporary Work in the Republic of Serbia, which determines the manner of exercising rights and obligations from work, as well as the manner of accommodation and food during the stay and work in the Republic.

The employment of a foreigner is realized on condition that he / she has a long-stay visa on the basis of employment, a temporary residence permit or permanent residence permit and a work permit, unless otherwise stipulated by Serbian Law.

Work permits for foreign workers

A work permit, shall be considered an Act on which grounds a foreigner may be employed or self-employed in Serbia.

A work permit may be issued as:

  • Personal Work Permit; or
  • Work Permit.

Only one type of work permit is issued for the same time period.

For all additional information regarding employment of a foreigner in Serbian, temporary and permanent residence permits, and work permits contact Asst Office, and our team will provide you with all necessary information.